If your business would benefit from having preferred access to OKC’s marketing directors, advertising executives, and company decision-makers, you may considering becoming a sponsor.
Companies that sponsor AMAOKC:
For a minimal investment, you can reach these industry leaders and support our marketing community.

AMAOKC serves over 1,500 marketing professionals in the metropolitan area of Oklahoma City and we consistently rank among the strongest chapters in the country. AMAOKC was the recipient of awards in Leadership, Membership, and Programming in each of the past three years, competing with 75+ AMA chapters across the U.S. and Canada.

AMAOKC serves:
We have members from the media, federal government, associations and non-profits as well as many of Fortune 1000 companies. Our members represent such well-known entities in the OKC metro area.
Gain Access to High-Level Decision Makers
Our demographics show that our members are seasoned professionals who have worked their way to upper management within their organizations. You will be reaching the exact people that make buying decisions within their companies.
If you are interested in tailoring a package to more specifically meet your marketing strategy or budget, please email us at sponsorships@amaokc.org for more information.
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Let us be your brand advocate by partnering with you!